Guidelines for Renunciation of Pakistani Citizenship

Instructions for Applicants above 21 Years of Age

On receipt of “Einbuergerungszusicherung” (Naturalization Guarantee) from the German authorities, a Pakistani citizen, not below the age of 21 years, can apply in person only, for renunciation of Pakistani citizenship. For this the purpose of Renunciation of Pakistani Citizenship, as per requirements of the Directorate General of Immigration & Passport, the documents, as mentioned at serial “A” to “H” in the following, may be compiled as a set, and photocopied to make two additional sets. These three sets i.e., one original and two photocopied sets may be submitted at the relevant counter of the Consulate General.

A.        Form “X”

  • Form X duly filled in with computer and attested by Notar (Please also note down your contact no. & e-mail on the form “X” so that you can be contacted in case of requirement).  Download Form “X”

B.        Computer Proforma

C.        Photographs

  • Six passport size photographs with white or light blue background

D.        Einbuergerungszusicherung (Naturalization Guarantee)

  • Einbuergerungszusicherung (Naturalization Guarantee) in original, along with its certified English translation

E.        Passports

  • Photocopies of data page and page-2 of valid Pakistani passport
  • All previous expired original Pakistani passports with two photocopies of data page and page-2 of each
  • In case the original passport is not available, its lost report with police may be provided, along with its English translation.

F.        Pakistani Identity Cards

  • Computerised National Identity Card / National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis/ Child Registration Certificate/National Identity Card in original.
  • Form “B” in original, in case of minor children if they are not issued with NADRA Identity Cards.
  • NADRA’s e-mail confirmation of cancellation of CNIC/NICOP/Form B and corresponding online payment proof of the cancellation.

G.        German Residence Permit

  • Photocopy of German Residence Permit

H.        Reference Persons Details

  • Names, addresses, and contacts of two relatives of the applicant, in Pakistan, written on a plain paper, who would be contacted for verification of antecedents of applicant(s).

Renunciation of Pakistani Nationality of German Passport Holders

Applicants who already hold German passports/ nationality and wish to renunciate their Pakistani nationality may submit the following documents: –

  • Form X duly filled in with computer and attested by Notar (Please also note down your contact no. & e-mail on the form “X” so that you can be contacted in case of requirement).
  • Dully filled in Computer Proforma (from serial number 4 to 14).
  • Six passport size photographs with white or light blue background.
  • Photocopy of Einbürgerungsurkunde (Naturalization Certificate) and its certified English translation.
  • Photocopy of German passport.
  • Photocopy of German Personalausweis (Identity Card).
  • Computerised National Identity Card / National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis/ Child Registration Certificate/National Identity Card in original.
  • NADRA’s e-mail confirmation of cancellation of CNIC/NICOP/Form B and corresponding online payment proof of the cancellation.
  • Applicants, who do not have Pakistani passport or Identity Card, may provide an affidavit to this effect, duly attested by German notar.


Renunciation application fee of €15/- per person can be deposited in person with EC card at the consulate along with €1/- bank service charges.

Bank details for direct / online fee payment are given in the following.

National Bank of Pakistan, Frankfurt am Main
IBAN DE30501300000089091110
Account No 89091110
BLZ 50130000

In case the fee is deposited in bank, the original receipt of deposition bearing the bank’s stamp, may be provided along with two photocopies.

Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE (Please ensure that right amount of fee is deposited in right account)

Renunciation of Pakistani Nationality of Children

For renunciation of Pakistani nationality of children below the age of 21 years, the following points may be kept in mind: –

  • Children should be in possession of “Einbuergerungszusicherung” (Naturalization Guarantee) or German passport.
  • Children should be resident with their parents.
  • Children below the age of 21 years cannot renounce their Pakistani nationality, independently.
  • The case for renunciation of Pakistani nationality of children below the age of 21 years cannot be endorsed on their mother’s renunciation application.
  • The case for renunciation of Pakistani nationality of children below the age of 21 years can only be endorsed on their father’s renunciation application. In this case, names of all those children whose Pakistani nationality is to be renounced may be endorsed in their father’s application form and the following documents may be provided per child: –
  • Photocopies of data page and page-2 of valid Pakistani passport if any.
  • All previous expired original Pakistani passports with two photocopies of data page and page-2 of each if any.
  • In case the original passport is not available, its lost report with police may be provided, along with its English translation.
  • Photocopy of CNIC/NICOP or Form “B” (in case of minor children if they are not issued with NADRA Identity Cards)
  • Photocopy of Childbirth Registration Certificate or Family Registration Certificate issued by NADRA.
  • Photocopy of Child’s German Residence Permit/Personalausweis/ German Passport (if available)
  • Child’s International birth certificate
  • Child’s six passport size photographs with white or light blue background
  • Per child €5/-renunciation fee to be deposited as per details annotated above

Issuance and Collection of Renunciation Certificate

The Renunciation Certificates are issues by the Directorate General of Immigration and Passports, Islamabad. This process is not online. Since submission of the renunciation application, till issuance of renunciation certificate, the whole process may take 3-4 months. This period can prolong if the Directorate General of Immigration and Passports requires some additional information from the applicants. Applicants can confirm receipt of the Renunciation Certificate in the Consulate General by entering their four-digit number mentioned on their renunciation receipt on the following link: –

The applicants, after confirming that their Renunciation Certificate has been received in the Consulate General, can collect it after personally visiting the Mission and presenting the last original Pakistani passport.

Cancellation of Pakistani Identity Card

For cancellation of Pakistani Identity Card, the applicants may visit the following link: –